
All timings are in Eastern Time Zone

click here to download full program

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View our keynote speeches:

March 7 - 11: smART Exhibition

  • Department of Visual Arts, Gallery room 115 (uOttawa). This exhibition is open for visit the whole week.

March 9: Official Exhibition Opening and Keynote Speech

  • 5.00 pm - 7.00 pm: Exhibition opening

    5.30 – 6.30pm: Keynote speech by Orit Halpern

    7.00 pm: Dinner with panellists and artists


March 10: Symposium Day 1

  • 8.30 - 9 am: check-in

    9 - 9.15 am: Welcome (Mascha Gugganig, Kelly Bronson, Vincent Mirza)

    9.15 - 10.15 am: Keynote speech by Carl DiSalvo (Moderator: Mascha Gugganig)

    10.15 - 11.55 am: 1st Panel: Smartness in Progress (Moderator: Rachel Douglas-Jones)

    10.15 - 10.20 am: Future Movement REJECTED (Moreschi and Pereira)

    10.20 - 10.25 am: Sotheby’s Dead (Joel Secter)

    10.25 - 10.40 am: Urban digitalisation in the ‘Global South’ (Devika Prakash)

    10.40 - 10.55 am: Negotiating Smart Cities (Benedict Lang)

    10.55 - 11.10 am: What is Optimized Agriculture (Sarah Marquis)

    11.10 - 11.25 am: Digital governmentality: an essential concept for interpreting the contemporary world (Adrien Savolle)

    11.25 - 11.55 am: Q & A

    12 - 1.30 pm: Lunch break

    12.30 – 1.30 pm: Interactive Session

    Locked out of the neoliberal Smart City: a-systemic technologies in crisis? (Eleanor Dare)

    Legend of Smartopia (Abhishek Viswanathan and Bonnie Fan)

    1.30 - 3.05 pm: 2nd Panel: Inequity in/of smartness (Moderator: tba)

    1.30 - 1.35 pm: Contesting Smartness in an unequal city (Soha Macktoom and Aqdas Fatima)

    1.35 - 1.50 pm: Hybrid Justice (Mennatullah Hendawy, Stephanie Sherman, Katrien Pype, Farah el Beheiry, Raneem Alaa, and Samah El Khateeb)

    1.50 - 2.05 pm: Disposable: Infrastructures of Exclusion in Dharamshala’s Smart City (Hannah Carlan)

    2.05 - 2.20 pm: Fantasies of Smart “Self-Sufficiency” and the Production of Inequality Through Enclosure in China (Aaron Su)

    2.20 - 2.35 pm: FloodSmart: “Equity in Action” or Equity Inaction? (Martin Abbott)

    2.35 - 3.05 pm: Q&A

    3.05 - 3.15 pm: Coffee break

    3.15 - 4.30 pm: 3rd panel: “Smart” imaginaries (Moderator: Megan Stalcup)

    3.15 - 3.20 pm: Crystal Palace (Neilson Koerner-Safrata)

    3.20 - 3.25 pm: Latent Pines (Peter Dubinski)

    3.25 - 3.40 pm: Smart Cities’ broken promises (Adi Kuntsman and Liu Xin)

    3.40 - 3.55 pm: New Electronic Ecosystem: unsettling the fantasies of seamless interoperability through artistic research (Hanna Husberg and Agata Marzecova)

    3.55 - 4.10 pm: The Art of Quantifying the Smart City (Burcu Baykurt)

    4.10 - 4.30 pm: Q & A

    4.30 – 4.40 pm: Coffee break

    4.40 - 6.00 pm: 4th panel: Smartness in and beyond the City (Moderator: Vincent Mirza)

    4.40 - 4.45 pm: Wal*Smartification: Documenting the Superimposition of Dockless Shared Electric Scooters on Fayetteville, Arkansas (Devin Shepherd and Juliette Walker)

    4.45 - 5.00 pm: Thinking like a city (Carola Moujan)

    5.00 - 5.15 pm: Reboot the Land, Smartify Everything: Cleared Land as Smart Technology Infrastructure in South Korea and Vietnam (Hyo Jung Kim)

    5.15 - 5.30 pm: Tracing “Smart” Urbanism (Ali Fard)

    5.30 - 6.00 pm: Q & A

    7.00 pm: Dinner


March 11: Symposium Day 2

  • 9.00 – 10.00 am: Keynote speech by Shannon Mattern (Moderator: Kelly Bronson)

    10.00 - 10.15 am: Coffee break

    10.15 – 11.55 am: 5th Panel: Modelling Smartness (Moderator: Gabriel Dorthe)

    10.15 - 10.20 am: Traverse (Mark Igloliorte)

    10.20 - 10.25 am: Digital Oases in the Analogue Desert. Sensing the first materializations of a smart city in Seestadt (Sebastian Bornschlegl)

    10.25 - 11.40 am: Liar Liar Grants on Fire - Institutional Complicity in Expanding the Smart Surveillance State (Abhishek Viswanathan and Bonnie Fan)

    10.40 - 10.55 am: The smartification of water and energy - the rise of smart cities (Lauren Touchant)

    10.55 - 11.10 am: Smart city near and far: site visit in the making of smart city in Kenya (Junnan Mu)

    11.10 - 11.25 am: Coded jaywalkers and the performativity of small traffic lights (Pouya Sepehr)

    11.25 - 11.55 am: Q &A

    12 - 1.30 pm: Lunch break

    12.30 – 1.30 pm: Interactive Session

    Mapping the Citational Architecture of the Smart City: An Interactive Workshop (Junnan Mu, Nicholas Zehner, Cassandre Rey-Thibault and Nicole Bassoff)

    1.30 - 2.40 pm: 6th Panel: Scaling Smartness (Moderator: tba)

    1.30 - 1.35 pm: Ghosts in the Smart Home (Joseph Lindley, Adrian Gradinar, Paul Coulton)

    1.35 - 1.50 pm: Critical Geographies of Smart Development (Hilary Oliva Faxon and Kendra Kintzi)

    1.50 - 2.05 pm: From the Baltic Sea to the Desert: Exploring Smartification through the Cases of Kalasatama, Helsinki and Egypt's New Administrative Capital (Bassam El Baroni and Miina Pohjolainen)

    2.05 - 2.20 pm: Out of Thin Air: Vertiplaces (Simon Rabyniuk)

    2.20 - 2.40 pm: Q & A

    2.40 - 2.50 pm: Coffee break

    2.50 - 4.05 pm: 7th Panel: Intelligent Humans, intelligent artificiality (Moderator: Sarah Marquis)

    2.50 - 2.55 pm: This is the sentence (Francis Hunger)

    2.55 - 3.00 pm: Unfamiliar Convenient (Vytautas Jankauskas and Claire Glanois)

    3.00 - 3.15 pm: From Smart Buildings to Smart Users (Gabriel Dorthe and Laure Dobigny)

    3.15 - 3.30 pm: Beyond the Fetish of Dead Intelligence (Tyler Reigeluth)

    3.30 - 3.45 pm: What comes after the Anthropocene? (Benjamin Peters)

    3.45 - 4.05 pm: Q & A

    4.05 – 4.15 pm: Coffee break

    4.15 - 5.40 pm: 8th Panel: Rural Smartness (Moderator: Kelly Bronson)

    4.15 - 4.20 pm: Bringing the Forest into the City: Digital Media Infrastructures, Mass Timber Architecture, and Restless Landscapes (Megan Wiessner)

    4.20 - 4.25 pm: Sacrifico Chiribiquete (Juan David Figueroa)

    4.25 - 4.40 pm: Fishing for Data (Hronn Holmer and Phoebe Sengers)

    4.40 - 4.55 pm: The right to rural futures in the shadow of the “smart city” (S. Ashleigh Weeden)

    4.55 - 5.10 pm: Rural Expertise and the Sewer (Jean Hardy)

    5.10 - 5.25 pm: Data Driven Truth of Farming? (Ziya Kaya)

    5.25 - 5.55 pm: Q & A

    5.55 – 6 pm: Final words